Over the past two years we have financed and participated in numerous environmental studies at great expense. These studies are the most elaborate, intense and all inclusive studies ever undertaken in the history of Belize. Alarmingly, they have proven that if immediate action is not taken to save Blackadore, the valuable yet declining habitat for Tarpon, Bonefish and Permit will continue to shrink at an alarming rate and eventually disappear. We worked with the Government of Belize and fully supported the creation of the new Hol Chan Marine Preserve even though our project predated the creation of the reserve – because we now know that action MUST be taken or sections of the preserve will suffer and even disappear.
It is our belief that our work is the only chance Blackadore has of continuing to provide a healthy marine habitat.
We are excited and committed to working with local fishermen and environmental groups to preserve and restore not only Blackadore, but also the incredibly valuable habit for all marine life including Tarpon, Permit and Bonefish and to work exclusively with local fishing and tour guide members for all our guides.